Différences entre les versions de « Beersmith3-Aide/Quoi de Neuf »

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<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="BeerSmith" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">BeerSmith</span> 3 a été entièrement revu pour rendre sa navigation et son utilisation plus faciles.
== Les nouveautés de <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="BeerSmith" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">BeerSmith</span> 3.0 ==
== Les nouveautés de <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="BeerSmith" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">BeerSmith</span> 3.0 ==

=== <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Fonctionnalités" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Fonctionnalités</span> majeures ===
=== <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Fonctionnalités" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Fonctionnalités</span> majeures ===

*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Wine" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Wine</span>, <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Mead" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Mead</span> and <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Cider" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Cider</span> Support <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Added" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Added</span>
*Vin, Hydromel et Cidre sont maintenant gérés par <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="BeerSmith" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">BeerSmith</span><span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Added" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR"></span>
*Support for <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Folders" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Folders</span> in the Cloud (and on <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="BeerSmith" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">BeerSmith</span> 3 Mobile) as <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="well" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">well</span> as “<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="unlisted" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">unlisted</span>” <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="recipes" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">recipes</span>
*Création de dossiers sur le Cloud (et dans <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="BeerSmith" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">BeerSmith</span> 3 mobile)  
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Secure" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Secure</span> SSL/https data <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="connection" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">connection</span> to cloud for data <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="integrity" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">integrity</span>
*Il est possible de <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="paramétrer" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">paramétrer</span> des recettes comme "non listées" dans le Cloud (non visible par la recherche dans le Cloud)<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="recipes" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR"></span>
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Water" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Water</span> profile <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="tools" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">tools</span> and <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="mash" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">mash</span> pH <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="adjustment" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">adjustment</span> now <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="integrated" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">integrated</span> in the <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="recipe" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">recipe</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="builder" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">builder</span>
*La connexion est maintenant sécurisée https (SSL) avec le Cloud pour mieux protéger les données<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="integrity" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR"></span>
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Streamlined" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Streamlined</span> user interface <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="including" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">including</span> smart <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="dialogs" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">dialogs</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="that" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">that</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="hide" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">hide</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="unused" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">unused</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="fields" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">fields</span> for <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="current" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">current</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="task" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">task</span>
*L'outil Profil d'Eaux et d'Ajustement du pH sont intégré dans la fenêtre de création de recette
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Temperature" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Temperature</span> can now be <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="specified" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">specified</span> for <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="whirlpool" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">whirlpool</span> hop additions
*Interface rationalisée, utilisant des fenêtres dynamiques, cachant les champs inutiles pour les tâches courantes<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="task" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR"></span>
*A ton of new data – support for fruits, <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="juices" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">juices</span>, <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="honey" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">honey</span>, <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="wines" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">wines</span>, new hop <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="products" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">products</span>, new <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="add-ons" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">add-ons</span>…
*La température peut maintenant être indiquée pour les ajouts de houblons en <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Whirlpool" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Whirlpool</span>
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Boil" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Boil</span> altitude <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="adjustments" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">adjustments</span> to <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="adjust" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">adjust</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="utilization" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">utilization</span> for high altitude <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="brewing" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">brewing</span>
*Plein de nouvelles données : fruits, jus, miel, vins, nouveaux houblons, nouveaux compléments...
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Dozens" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Dozens</span> of new <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="features" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">features</span> and fixes for <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="brewers" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">brewers</span> of all types
*Possibilité de <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="paramètrer" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">paramètrer</span> l'altitude pour l'ajustement de l'ébullition et l'utilisation des houblons en cas de brassage en haute altitude
*New <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="licensing" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">licensing</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="system" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">system</span> – <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="tied" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">tied</span> to <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="your" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">your</span> cloud <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="account" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">account</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="lets" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">lets</span> you <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="flexibly" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">flexibly</span> manage activations
*Des dizaines de nouvelles <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="fonctionnalités" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">fonctionnalités</span> et corrections pour les brasseurs de tous types
*Nouveau système de gestion de licence - lié à votre compte sur le Cloud <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="BeerSmith" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">BeerSmith</span> pour vous permettre de gérer plus facilement vos activations

=== <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Mead" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Mead</span>, <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Wine" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Wine</span> and <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Cider" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Cider</span> Support ===
=== Hydromel, Vin et Cidre ===

*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Recipe" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Recipe</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="builder" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">builder</span> supports <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="mead" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">mead</span>, <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="wines" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">wines</span> and <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="cider" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">cider</span> types and <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="dynamically" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">dynamically</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="adjusts" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">adjusts</span> session data
*La création de recette permet maintenant de gérer hydromel, vin et cidre et d'ajuster automatiquement les données de la recette en conséquence
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Mead" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Mead</span>, <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="wine" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">wine</span> and <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="cider" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">cider</span> style guides are now <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="included" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">included</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="with" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">with</span> the <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="program" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">program</span>
*Des guides de style pour Hydromel, Vin et Cidre sont maintenant inclus dans le programme
*Report <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="system" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">system</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="customizes" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">customizes</span> report to style of <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="beverage" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">beverage</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="brewed" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">brewed</span>
*Les rapports sont adaptés automatiquement en fonction du style de boisson préparée/brassée<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="brewed" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR"></span>
*Support for <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="juices" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">juices</span>, fruits, <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="honey" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">honey</span> as native <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="ingredients" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">ingredients</span> and <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="most" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">most</span> are <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="preloaded" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">preloaded</span> for use
*Les ingrédients comme les jus, fruits et miel sont déjà inclus et prêts à être utilisés
**You can add new <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="ones" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">ones</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="knowing" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">knowing</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="just" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">just</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="their" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">their</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="brix" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">brix</span> value
**Vous pouvez également en ajouter de nouveaux simplement en connaissant leur valeur en <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Brix" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Brix</span>
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Equipment" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Equipment</span> profiles for <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="popular" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">popular</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="mead" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">mead</span>, <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="wine" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">wine</span>, <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="cider" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">cider</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="sizes" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">sizes</span> as <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="well" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">well</span> as <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="scaling" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">scaling</span> support
*Sont aussi inclus les tailles de profils d'équipements pour l'hydromel, le vin, le cidre ainsi que la possibilité de les redimensionner
*Support in the cloud for <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="mead" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">mead</span>, <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="wine" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">wine</span>, <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="cider" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">cider</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="recipes" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">recipes</span> and <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="sharing" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">sharing</span>
*Le Cloud supporte aussi hydromel, vin et cidre pour le stockage en ligne ou le partage de recettes
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Color" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Color</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="icon" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">icon</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="system" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">system</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="lets" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">lets</span> you <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="choose" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">choose</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="color" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">color</span> for <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="mead" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">mead</span>, <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="wine" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">wine</span>, <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="cider" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">cider</span>
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Color" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Color</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="icon" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">icon</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="system" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">system</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="lets" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">lets</span> you <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="choose" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">choose</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="color" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">color</span> for <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="mead" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">mead</span>, <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="wine" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">wine</span>, <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="cider" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">cider</span>
*Support for <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="TINOSA" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">TINOSA</span> and <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="TONSA-2" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">TONSA-2</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="mead" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">mead</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="nutrient" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">nutrient</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="system" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">system</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="built" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">built</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="into" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">into</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="recipe" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">recipe</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="yeast" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">yeast</span> tab, <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="along" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">along</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="with" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">with</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="GoFerm" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">GoFerm</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="needed" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">needed</span> for dry <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="yeast" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">yeast</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="hydration" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">hydration</span> – <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="also" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">also</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="available" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">available</span> as <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="separate" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">separate</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="tool" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">tool</span>
*Support for <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="TINOSA" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">TINOSA</span> and <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="TONSA-2" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">TONSA-2</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="mead" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">mead</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="nutrient" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">nutrient</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="system" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">system</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="built" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">built</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="into" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">into</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="recipe" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">recipe</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="yeast" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">yeast</span> tab, <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="along" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">along</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="with" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">with</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="GoFerm" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">GoFerm</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="needed" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">needed</span> for dry <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="yeast" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">yeast</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="hydration" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">hydration</span> – <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="also" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">also</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="available" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">available</span> as <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="separate" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">separate</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="tool" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">tool</span>
Ligne 153 : Ligne 156 :
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Late" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Late</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="sugar" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">sugar</span> and <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="extract" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">extract</span> additions now <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="work" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">work</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="properly" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">properly</span> for all grain, and partial <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="mash" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">mash</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="recipes" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">recipes</span>
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Late" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Late</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="sugar" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">sugar</span> and <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="extract" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">extract</span> additions now <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="work" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">work</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="properly" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">properly</span> for all grain, and partial <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="mash" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">mash</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="recipes" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">recipes</span>
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Significantly" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Significantly</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="modified" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">modified</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="late" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">late</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="extract" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">extract</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="calculator" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">calculator</span> to more <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="accurately" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">accurately</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="estimate" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">estimate</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="IBUs" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">IBUs</span> as <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="gravity" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">gravity</span> changes <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="over" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">over</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="boil" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">boil</span>
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Significantly" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Significantly</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="modified" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">modified</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="late" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">late</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="extract" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">extract</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="calculator" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">calculator</span> to more <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="accurately" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">accurately</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="estimate" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">estimate</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="IBUs" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">IBUs</span> as <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="gravity" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">gravity</span> changes <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="over" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">over</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="boil" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">boil</span>
*You can now <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="navigate" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">navigate</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="folders" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">folders</span> via the <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="title" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">title</span> bar <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="when" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">when</span> viewing <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="subfolders" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">subfolders</span> of My <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Recipes" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Recipes</span>
*You can now <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="navigate" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">navigate</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="folders" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">folders</span> via the <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="title" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">title</span> bar <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="when" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">when</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="viewing" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">viewing</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="subfolders" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">subfolders</span> of My <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Recipes" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Recipes</span>
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Added" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Added</span> options in <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="equipment" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">equipment</span> profile to <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="allow" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">allow</span> carry <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="over" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">over</span> of <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="remaining" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">remaining</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="boil" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">boil</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="hops" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">hops</span> to <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="whirlpool" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">whirlpool</span> (for <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="utilization" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">utilization</span>)
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Added" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Added</span> options in <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="equipment" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">equipment</span> profile to <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="allow" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">allow</span> carry <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="over" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">over</span> of <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="remaining" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">remaining</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="boil" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">boil</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="hops" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">hops</span> to <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="whirlpool" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">whirlpool</span> (for <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="utilization" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">utilization</span>)

Ligne 184 : Ligne 187 :
*In-place <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="editing" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">editing</span> of <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="ingredient" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">ingredient</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="amounts" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">amounts</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="from" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">from</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="within" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">within</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="recipe" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">recipe</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="editor" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">editor</span> (Windows)
*In-place <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="editing" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">editing</span> of <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="ingredient" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">ingredient</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="amounts" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">amounts</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="from" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">from</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="within" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">within</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="recipe" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">recipe</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="editor" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">editor</span> (Windows)
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Fixed" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Fixed</span> focus issues so focus <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="remains" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">remains</span> on <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="ingredient" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">ingredient</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="list" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">list</span> as <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="adds" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">adds</span>/<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="deletes" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">deletes</span> are <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="done" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">done</span>
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Fixed" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Fixed</span> focus issues so focus <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="remains" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">remains</span> on <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="ingredient" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">ingredient</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="list" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">list</span> as <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="adds" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">adds</span>/<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="deletes" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">deletes</span> are <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="done" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">done</span>
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Ingredients" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Ingredients</span> can now be multi-selected for <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="delete" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">delete</span>/duplication and <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="incrementing" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">incrementing</span>/<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="decrementing" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">decrementing</span>
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Ingredients" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Ingredients</span> can now be <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="multi-selected" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">multi-selected</span> for <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="delete" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">delete</span>/duplication and <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="incrementing" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">incrementing</span>/<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="decrementing" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">decrementing</span>
*New <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="field" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">field</span> for <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="carbonation" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">carbonation</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="based" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">based</span> on <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="measured" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">measured</span> final volume is <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="below" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">below</span> the <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="carbonation" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">carbonation</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="estimate" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">estimate</span> (<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="based" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">based</span> on est final vol)
*New <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="field" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">field</span> for <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="carbonation" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">carbonation</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="based" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">based</span> on <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="measured" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">measured</span> final volume is <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="below" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">below</span> the <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="carbonation" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">carbonation</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="estimate" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">estimate</span> (<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="based" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">based</span> on est final vol)
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Altered" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Altered</span> formats on <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="recipe" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">recipe</span> design pages to <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="allow" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">allow</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="ingredients" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">ingredients</span>, notes, <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="mash" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">mash</span> to <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="expand" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">expand</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="with" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">with</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="window" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">window</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="size" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">size</span>
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Altered" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Altered</span> formats on <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="recipe" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">recipe</span> design pages to <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="allow" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">allow</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="ingredients" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">ingredients</span>, notes, <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="mash" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">mash</span> to <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="expand" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">expand</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="with" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">with</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="window" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">window</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="size" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">size</span>
Ligne 202 : Ligne 205 :
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Adjusted" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Adjusted</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="color" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">color</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="schemes" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">schemes</span> to be more <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="neutral" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">neutral</span>
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Adjusted" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Adjusted</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="color" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">color</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="schemes" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">schemes</span> to be more <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="neutral" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">neutral</span>
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Added" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Added</span> "<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="color" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">color</span>" <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="indicators" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">indicators</span> and <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="recommended" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">recommended</span> ranges for <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="water" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">water</span> ions to <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="water" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">water</span> profile <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="tool" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">tool</span>
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Added" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Added</span> "<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="color" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">color</span>" <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="indicators" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">indicators</span> and <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="recommended" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">recommended</span> ranges for <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="water" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">water</span> ions to <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="water" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">water</span> profile <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="tool" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">tool</span>
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Corrected" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Corrected</span> bug in <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="water" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">water</span> profile <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="tool" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">tool</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="where" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">where</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="selecting" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">selecting</span> a <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="water" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">water</span> profile (base, <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="dilute" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">dilute</span>, <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="target" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">target</span>) did not <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="update" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">update</span> totals
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Corrected" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Corrected</span> bug in <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="water" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">water</span> profile <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="tool" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">tool</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="where" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">where</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="selecting" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">selecting</span> a <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="water" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">water</span> profile (base, <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="dilute" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">dilute</span>, <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="target" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">target</span>) did not <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="update" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">update</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="totals" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">totals</span>
*Add of a <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="folder" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">folder</span> in My <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Recipes" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Recipes</span> now has an "<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="undo" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">undo</span>" <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="button" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">button</span>
*Add of a <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="folder" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">folder</span> in My <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Recipes" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Recipes</span> now has an "<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="undo" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">undo</span>" <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="button" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">button</span>
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Corrected" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Corrected</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="minor" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">minor</span> math <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="error" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">error</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="with" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">with</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="boil" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">boil</span> cool percent <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="that" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">that</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="could" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">could</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="throw" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">throw</span> off <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="pre-boil" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">pre-boil</span> volume for <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="very" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">very</span> large cool <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="percentages" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">percentages</span>
*<span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="Corrected" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">Corrected</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="minor" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">minor</span> math <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="error" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">error</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="with" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">with</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="boil" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">boil</span> cool percent <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="that" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">that</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="could" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">could</span> <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="throw" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">throw</span> off <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="pre-boil" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">pre-boil</span> volume for <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="very" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">very</span> large cool <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="percentages" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">percentages</span>

Version du 5 juin 2018 à 06:21

BeerSmith 3 a été entièrement revu pour rendre sa navigation et son utilisation plus faciles.

Les nouveautés de BeerSmith 3.0

Fonctionnalités majeures

  • Vin, Hydromel et Cidre sont maintenant gérés par BeerSmith
  • Création de dossiers sur le Cloud (et dans BeerSmith 3 mobile)
  • Il est possible de paramétrer des recettes comme "non listées" dans le Cloud (non visible par la recherche dans le Cloud)
  • La connexion est maintenant sécurisée https (SSL) avec le Cloud pour mieux protéger les données
  • L'outil Profil d'Eaux et d'Ajustement du pH sont intégré dans la fenêtre de création de recette
  • Interface rationalisée, utilisant des fenêtres dynamiques, cachant les champs inutiles pour les tâches courantes
  • La température peut maintenant être indiquée pour les ajouts de houblons en Whirlpool
  • Plein de nouvelles données : fruits, jus, miel, vins, nouveaux houblons, nouveaux compléments...
  • Possibilité de paramètrer l'altitude pour l'ajustement de l'ébullition et l'utilisation des houblons en cas de brassage en haute altitude
  • Des dizaines de nouvelles fonctionnalités et corrections pour les brasseurs de tous types
  • Nouveau système de gestion de licence - lié à votre compte sur le Cloud BeerSmith pour vous permettre de gérer plus facilement vos activations

Hydromel, Vin et Cidre

  • La création de recette permet maintenant de gérer hydromel, vin et cidre et d'ajuster automatiquement les données de la recette en conséquence
  • Des guides de style pour Hydromel, Vin et Cidre sont maintenant inclus dans le programme
  • Les rapports sont adaptés automatiquement en fonction du style de boisson préparée/brassée
  • Les ingrédients comme les jus, fruits et miel sont déjà inclus et prêts à être utilisés
    • Vous pouvez également en ajouter de nouveaux simplement en connaissant leur valeur en Brix
  • Sont aussi inclus les tailles de profils d'équipements pour l'hydromel, le vin, le cidre ainsi que la possibilité de les redimensionner
  • Le Cloud supporte aussi hydromel, vin et cidre pour le stockage en ligne ou le partage de recettes
  • Color icon system lets you choose color for mead, wine, cider
  • Support for TINOSA and TONSA-2 mead nutrient system built into recipe yeast tab, along with GoFerm needed for dry yeast hydrationalso available as separate tool
  • Mead nutrients adjust down proportionally when using large fruit proportions
  • Support for Brix as a gravity measurement – can be set in Options->Units
  • Yeast tolerance field added for yeasts to provide accurate FG estimate for high gravity beers, wines, meads
  • Backsweeten tool to add in backsweetening ciders, meads or dessert wines
  • Added “none” as a carbonation profile option for still meads, ciders, wines
  • Fermentation profiles updated to include extra stage for extended aging

New Beer Brewing Features

  • You can now specify a temperature with each whirlpool hop addition for more accurate IBU estimation during the whirlpool/steep
  • A more accurate utilization model has been added to carry forward boil hops into the whirlpoolcheck the “Estimate Boil Hop Util in Whirlpool” box in your equipment profile to enable it
  • Altitude adjustment for hop utilization is available – set “Boil Elevation” in Equip profile
  • New Water tab supports directly building a water profile in the recipe builder
    • Ability to either include or exclude water agents using “Don’t include water agents” on water tab – to account for cases where water profile itself may already include water agents.
    • You can match a water profile directly from the water tab using “Match a Target Profile”
    • Old “water volumes” tab is still available as a buttonDetailed water volumes” at the top of the water tab.
    • You can now exclude gypsum as an addition in water tab or water profile tool
  • Mash PH adjustment support for lactic, phosphoric and acid malt is integrated into the mash tab now so you can directly record acid ingredients and see effect on mash pH.
    • This allows you to make an “up front” pH adjustment in recipe as well as measure the mash pH to make a final adjustment
  • Full support for juices, fruits, honey built into program now – adding a new juice or fruit is as easy as taking its Brix or gravity value and color and using it
  • New “Use in” field for fermentable ingredients lets you add fermentables during steep, mash, primary, secondary and also supports new fruit, juice and honey types
  • Yeast starter tab has been simplified and made dynamic so it only shows fields needed based on yeast type used (dry or liquid).
  • Volumes for extract as well as water needed is now calculated for extract brewers
    • Also volumes for honey, grains, juice also shown so you can manage water needed
  • Alcohol tolerance for yeast strains incorporated into the FG estimate for high gravity beers
  • Refractometer tool now available as a pop-up in session dialog to make measurements easier
  • Age profile now supports 4 stages for extended barrel aging
  • Import tool to import BeerSmith 2 data on startup (also on File menu)
  • Entire add-on feature reworked to show add-ons by type, and many new add-ons included
  • Add-ons can be added from ingredient and profile “choosedialogs to make finding new data easier
  • Revamped fermentation readings section (session page) use current date and also allow for easy export to a CSV spreadsheet if desired
  • Extract grain steep temperature field now added for extract brewers (session tab)
  • Water additions, steep volumes, extract volume now shown for extract brewers (session tab)
  • New mash profiles added for RIMS/HERMS brewers
  • Notes, design and session tabs now show batch age in days for easier session management
  • Support for display of multiple individual beer style guides at once
  • Corrected bug in FG estimation that underestimated attenuation of yeast when working with a mash profile that incorporated steps at both low and high mash temps.
  • Corrected bug that showed whirlpool hop additions in reverse time order on some displays
  • Can now use “SG” as a data entry value for refractometer adjustments
    • We recommens Brix or Plato if possible as some SG scales are not terribly accurate
  • Added table sugar as an option in the carbonation tool

Cloud Integration Improvements

  • Cloud now supports folders on both mobile and desktoplets you manage recipes online
  • New ‘Move to folder’ and ‘Copy to folder’ buttons simplify moving recipes or entire directories between cloud and local
  • Secure connection (SSL/HTTPS) on both mobile and desktop for data and password security
  • New sharing option for “unlistedrecipes that don’t show up in search results but can be located by your friends using a recipe id or sharing link
  • You can rate recipes found online directly from the program now
  • Cloud search now lets you find and share meads, wines and ciders
  • BeerSmithRecipes.com site revised to support mead, wine, cider types as well as sharing

User Interface/Usability Improvements

  • New neutral styling/color scheme to get away from 1990’s blue
  • Simplified editing dialogs for ingredients/profiles to reduce complexity
  • Recipe pages (i.e. design, session, etc) are all customized to recipe type now to show most important data fields relevant to extract, all grain, cider, mead, or wine brewing
  • Other dialogs such as equipment editor, ingredient editors, etc…are all now dynamic as well and will display only fields needed to complete the current task based on data types
  • Redesigned bookmark bar at top to feature most popular functions used
  • Revamped many ribbon and tool bars to make it easier to understand/manage data
  • You can now add new ingredients on the fly when choosing a new ingredient
  • News feature shows important update announcements (a few a year)

Data Improvements

  • New add-on system improved to make it much easier to manage add-ons by type (File->Addons)
  • Wine, mead and cider style guides are added as default additions
  • Basic fruit, Knudsen juices, cider apple varieties available as fermentables by default
  • A large number of new misc items added as defaults to support beer, wine, mead, cider brewing
  • New add-ons for cryo hops, hop powders, hop extracts, new fermentables, much more
  • Revamped equipment profiles added to reflect most commonly used beer, mead, wine, cider types for brewers
  • New mash profiles for RIMS/HERMS brewers included by default
  • New carbonation profiles for “none”

Licensing/Activation Management

  • Activation system was redesigned to support quick online activation via cloud account rather than retaining a key
  • Licenses can be activated and deactivated from your cloud profile page
  • Ability to have both permanent licenses and subscription licensing which will lower entry price point as well as options for professional feature
  • New subscription options will give users free access to major upgrades plus cloud space
  • New system will also support additional online recipe editing capability for the future

Bug Fixes/Stability Improvements

  • Added extensive data checks up front to detect cases where users may have moved/deleted data external to the program
  • Corrected resource leak that could cause problems when adding or editing a large number of new items
  • Corrected bug in printing of shopping list that could cause crashes
  • Most simple edits are now “modal” dialogs for profiles/ingredients which resolves a crash bug on some platforms and also simplifies user interface.
  • Fixed issues with title scaling and close box on tabs for high resolution screens

BeerSmith sur Linux

  • BeerSmith 2.2 est disponible désormais pour les ordinateurs équipés de Linux Debian Ubuntu en version 32 et 64 bits.
  • Il est possible de passer cette version aussi en français.


BeerSmith sur Smartphones et Tablettes

  • Retrouvez votre logiciel préféré sur votre mobile ou votre tablette,
  • Compatible avec iPhone, iPad, Android, Tablettes et Kindle Fire,
  • BeerSmith mobile vous permet de créer vos recettes, ajouter de nouveaux ingrédients, modifier vos étapes de brassage et lancer le minuteur de brassage sur votre smartphone ou votre tablette,
  • Il vous permet également de vous connecter au Cloud pour partager ou récupérer vos recettes, ou bien de chercher parmi les centaines de recettes partagées par d'autres brasseurs sur le site BeerSmithRecipes.



Nouveautés de BeerSmith 2.3

Juin 2016

Fonctionnalités clefs

  • Support for above HD window scaling and 200% font size on windows
  • New "Session" tab consolidates overlapping data related to a session, and session data can be reset so you can track which data was entered for a given recipe
  • Better Recipe Editing (see below) with focus and keyboard shortcuts
  • Added mash pH estimator (based on water profile and grain bill) as well as a pH acid adjustment feature (for lactic, phosphoric or acid malt) based on measured pH on the Recipe mash tab - Also added a separate stand-alone mash pH adjustment tool
  • Corrected a variety of focus issues so keyboard focus is saved as views/dialogs are changed
  • Water can now be priced, inventoried and added to the shopping cart
  • Added water profile stats to water profiles including recommended brewing ion levels, Residual Alkalinity, hardness, chloride/sulfate ratio, bitterness profile of water - now available for all water profiles.
  • Added field for Mash Water Addition to equipment profile to allow for equipment that may have a significant recoverable volume under the mash screen and need more mash volume
  • Increased custom field display to 26 fields in Design view (up from 13)
  • Can now lock/unlock recipes to prevent them from being changed (currently desktop onlY)
  • Late sugar and extract additions now work properly for all grain, and partial mash recipes
  • Significantly modified late extract calculator to more accurately estimate IBUs as gravity changes over boil
  • You can now navigate folders via the title bar when viewing subfolders of My Recipes
  • Added options in equipment profile to allow carry over of remaining boil hops to whirlpool (for utilization)

-- This feature can also be used for "no chill" as it does a hop-by-hop calculation of IBUs added while cooling

  • Allow override of "Another copy is running" error to account for case where crash on Mac creates stale lock file
  • Added support for CO2 Hop Extract as well as Isomerized Hop extract in recipes (in ml)

-- CO2 extract should be boiled - use alpha content for alpha percentage (typically 35-70%) -- Isomerized extract need not be boiled - use iso-alpha percentage as the alpha percent for hops (typically 40-60%)

  • You can now record detailed fermentation gravity and temperature and graph it against age profile planned on session tab
  • New "Recover from Backup" command (File menu) lets you view or recover from automatic backups made

Création de Recettes

  • You can now add multiple items when adding ingredients by choosing the "Add Ingredient Without Closing" button from within the add dialogs
  • Added duplicate button to duplicate ingredients in recipe design view
  • New Hop Adjust button lets you adjust individual hop IBU contributions all at once
  • Ingredient editing now uses simplified dialogs with detail buttons

-- This feature can be turned off (use old dialogs) from Options->Look and Feel->Simplified Recipe Editing box

  • Flexible sizing of recipe design view - now allows wider ingredient list on wide screens
  • Undo button below ingredient add buttons can undo last ingredient change in design tab

-- Also allows undo of scale, convert, adjust gravity and adjust bitterness functions when recipe open

  • Added key shortcuts to recipe design view - Del=Delete, Ctrl-h = Add hops, Ctrl-M=Add Misc, Ctrl-Y=Add yeast, Ctrl-G=Add grain, Ctrl-W=Add water, Ctrl-D=duplicate, Ctrl-s=Substitute, Ctrl-A=Select All, +/-/==Increment/Decrement amount, Ctrl-z=Undo Last Item, [ or ] will decrement or increment time for item
  • You can now cut/paste ingredients within the design view - use Ctrl-c (copy), Ctrl-v (paste), Ctrl-x (cut), Ctrl-A (Select All)
  • In-place editing of ingredient amounts from within recipe editor (Windows)
  • Fixed focus issues so focus remains on ingredient list as adds/deletes are done
  • Ingredients can now be multi-selected for delete/duplication and incrementing/decrementing
  • New field for carbonation based on measured final volume is below the carbonation estimate (based on est final vol)
  • Altered formats on recipe design pages to allow ingredients, notes, mash to expand with window size
  • Added brew date to starter page and also calculator to estimate Dry Malt Extract needed for starter (tool and starter tab)
  • Corrected discontinuity in mash temperature adjustments to FG estimates - now handles mash temps < 144 or > 159 properly

Autres petites améliorations

  • Disabled undo button when dialog editor is open - was causing confusion for many users
  • Enter/Escape key now saves/cancels most dialogs and there is a look/feel option to allow closing of tabs also
  • All dialogs make better use of wide screens now - larger fields and graphs scale
  • Corrected "Ctrl-z" to undo edits within a field (previously it did not work properly)
  • Buttons can now be activated using the space bar keyboard shortcut
  • Corrected bug when adding mash step from recipe mash tab that could cause crashes
  • Corrected bug in cloud that could cause errrors on cloud account above its recipe limit
  • Allow "not fermentable" to affect FG for all grain types (previously was sugar, extract, dry only)
  • Adjusted color schemes to be more neutral
  • Added "color" indicators and recommended ranges for water ions to water profile tool
  • Corrected bug in water profile tool where selecting a water profile (base, dilute, target) did not update totals
  • Add of a folder in My Recipes now has an "undo" button
  • Corrected minor math error with boil cool percent that could throw off pre-boil volume for very large cool percentages
  • Fixed '&' bug on Mac where using an ampersand in the recipe name could cause a crash
  • Corrected Water Avail from Mash to reflect tun deadspace (previously not reflected in displayed value)
  • Program now gives you an option to upgrade your cloud space (if desired) when cloud space fills up
  • You can now set the number of digits after decimal (Precision) for the Currency under Options->Units
  • Corrected rounding issue where values were sometimes shown as "x lbs 16 oz" when showing pounds and ounces
  • Added feature to allow "lock file override" if the program has a copy that did not close properly.
  • Improved mouse wheel propagation for dialogs (however if you use the scroll wheel in a list it will still scroll the list)
  • Removed black background from style sheet that was messing up many people when printing
  • Made BJCP 2015 Style guide the new default style guide
  • Incorporated 2013 and 2016 yeast and hops add-ons in the default add-on

Nouveautés de BeerSmith 2.2

  • BeerSmith 2.2 présente une interface simplifiée pour une utilisation facilitée et plus claire,
  • Une nouvelle fonction "Chercher Partout" a été ajoutée pour vous permettre de faire une recherche dans toutes les recettes,
  • Une nouvelle fonction "Chercher dans le Cloud" vous donne accès à des centaines de recettes partagées par d'autres brasseurs sur BeerSmithRecipes.com,
  • Les Archives de Recettes ont été ajoutées - elles stockent l'ensemble de vos ajouts, modifications et suppressions de recettes afin de vous permettre de retrouver d'anciennes versions de vos recettes, supprimées ou modifiées,
  • Les contributions en IBU pour des ajouts  de houblons au whirlpool/tourbillon sont maintenant prises en compte, basées sur une température de 90C/194F et la durée/utilisation,
  • Les Grains, Extraits et Sucres peuvent maintenant être marqués comme non-fermentescibles (le lactose par exemple) et contribueront désormais de manière plus significative à la densité finale (DF),
  • La barre de raccourcis a été remplacée par une arborescence plus simple, dans le bas du menu gauche, avec la possibilité de stocker des raccourcis en favoris. Un click droit sur n'importe quel élément permet de créer un nouveau favori,
  • Le ruban large est devenu facultatif (caché par défaut) pour permettre une vision plus claire de l'ensemble de l'interface - il peut bien sûr toujours être réactivé depuis le menu Affichage,
  • Un nouvel Assistant de Création de Profil Matériel a vu le jour, très pratique pour créer un nouveau profil, ou pour les nouveaux utilisateurs de BeerSmith,
  • La fonction Vérifier les Mises à Jour peut maintenant télécharger la nouvelle version de BeerSmith en arrière plan, puis alerter lorsque l'installation peut commencer, une fois le téléchargement terminé,
  • L' Outil Ajuster la Densité vous indique combien d'extrait de malt est nécessaire pour atteindre un niveau de densité souhaité si votre densité est dans les choux,
  • Les feuilles de styles ou CSS sont maintenant supportées pour les Rapports Personnalisés (Mac, PC) et de nouveaux rapports et feuille de brassage sont fournis, plus clairs et utilisant les CSS,
  • Un bug a été corrigé "Pas assez de place dans le dossier Cloud" qui pouvait apparaître lors de collage hors Cloud,
  • Correction de l'impression depuis les fenêtres d'Outils, les impressions sont globalement plus facile et moins confuse,
  • Les étapes de brassage ou feuille de brassage sont maintenant ouvertes dans un onglet séparé pour une meilleure visibilité au lieu d'une fenêtre avec de tout petits caractères,
  • Le verre peut maintenant être affiché dans les Rapports Personnalisés en utilisant le tag $GLASS,
  • Le délai de sauvegarde des modifications a été changé ainsi les fichiers de backup anciens sont gardés plus longtemps au lieu d'être remplacés trop souvent,
  • Meilleure gestion des erreurs pour les fichiers d'options ainsi que les fichiers de données pour éviter la perte de la clef d'enregistrement ou d'autres données quand le fichier est corrompu,
  • Les fonctions "Copier en Local" et "Copier dans le Cloud" ont été ajoutées aux fenêtres de Cloud et Mes Recettes pour des transferts plus faciles (ainsi que dans la fenêtre Recherche dans le Cloud)
  • Vous pouvez maintenant personnaliser les colonnes dans la fenêtre Gestion de Stock et des Ingrédients dans la fenêtre de création de recette,
  • Les abbréviations "ioz", "iqt", "igal", "ibarrel" peuvent maintenant être utilisées dans n'importe quel champ de saisie pour indiquer une conversion en Unités Impériales,
  • Un nouvel écran d'accueil simplifié est maintenant affiché au lancement de BeerSmith pour vous aider à bien démarrer.


Nouveautés de BeerSmith 2.1

BeerSmith 2.1 présente deux évolutions majeures ainsi qu'un certain nombre de mises à jour mineures :

  • Le dossier Cloud BeerSmith est sans doute le changement le plus important. Il permet à un ordinateur connecté à internet de partager des recettes via un dossier Cloud - vous permettant ainsi de travailler avec plus d'un ordinateur. Il est également intimement relié au nouveau site web BeerSmithRecipes.com ainsi vous pouvez partager une recette avec l'ensemble de la communauté et chercher parmi les centaines de recettes créées par d'autres brasseurs,
  • Le nouveau Minuteur est la deuxième grande nouveauté, il vous permet de minuter chaque étape de brassage et ébullition pendant le brassage de votre bière. Il affiche également les instructions pas à pas pour les étapes critiques avec minuteur et alarme intégrées pour vous prévenir quand il faut ajouter le prochain ingrédient ou passer à l'étape suivante.


Nouveau Look pour la 2.0

  • L'ensemble du logiciel a été réécrit depuis zéro pour permettre d'Utiliser les Onglets et Fenêtres - rendant plus facile l'utilisation de plusieurs recettes et outils en même temps,
  • Vous pouvez ouvrir les recettes, outils et autres fenêtres soit dans un nouvel onglet, soit dans une nouvelle fenêtre,
  • Un ruban et des barre d'outils intégrées rendent les commandes et outils plus accessibles,
  • Les thèmes vous permettent de personnaliser le look du programme,


Version Macintosh

  • BeerSmith 2 est maintenant disponible pour Macintosh, les deux versions, PC et Mac ayant des mêmes formats de fichier et étant quasiment identiques en apparence,


Nouvel Onglet Création de Recette

  • Le processus de création de recette a été entièrement redéveloppé depuis zéro,
  • Un verre de bière affiche la couleur de votre bière en temps réel pendant que vous ajoutez de nouveaux ingrédients,
  • La comparaison avec le guide de style choisi présente des barres graphiques pour vous indiquer quels éléments sont dans ou hors style,
  • La fenêtre des ingrédients peut maintenant être triée et affiche désormais le stock disponible pour chaque élément,
  • Une section est dédiée aux champs personnalisés - plutôt que figer quelques champs dans la fenêtre, vous pouvez choisir vous même lesquels vous souhaitez voir affichés pendant la création de votre recette,
  • Vous pouvez également ajuster le pourcentage des grains en utilisant le bouton "Ajuster le % des grains" près de la liste des ingrédients.


Nouveaux Onglets dans la Création de Recette

  • Dans la fenêtre de création de recette, ont été ajoutés des onglets pour vous aider à vous concentrer sur telle ou telle partie du processus de brassage,
  • L'Onglet Pied de Cuve peut vous aider à estimer le bon volume de pied de cuve de votre levure liquide,
  • L'Onglet Brassage vous permet d'ajuster et enregistrer les détails observés pendant votre session de brassage - et affiche maintenant un graphique des paliers de brassage,
  • L'Onglet Fermentation vous permet de gérer les détails de la fermentation, l'embouteillage et la garde,
  • L'Onglet Volumes d'Eau récapitule l'ensemble des volumes d'eau nécessaires pour brasser votre bière.


BeerSmith supporte le Brew in a Bag (Brassage en Sac)

  • Des Profils de Brassage sont maintenant disponibles pour prendre en compte les méthodes dites Brew-in-a-bag (BIAB) ou brassage en sac.


Profils de Carbonatation et Fermentation

  • BeerSmith inclut désormais des profils pour la carbonatation et la fermentation, facilitant la sélection du profil de garde et embouteillage correspondant à la bière que vous allez brasser.


Nouveau Format de Données

  • BeerSmith utilise maintenant le format de fichier *.bsmx , un format XML étendu, plus facile à compléter et permettant de nouvelles fonctionnalités pour BeerSmith
  • BeerSmith peut néanmoins toujours importer et exporter des fichiers BeerSmith 1.x (*.bsm) ainsi que des fichiers de recettes, ingrédients, profils, styles, etc... en format BeerXML.


Nouveaux Outils

  • Un nouvel outil "Pied de Cuve" pour calculer le volume de votre starter,
  • Un outil Profils d'Eau disposant maintenant d'un bouton pour calculer automatiquement les additions de minéraux pour correspondre à un profil d'eau cible,
  • Un bon nombre d'autres outils ont été mis à jour, revus et améliorés.


Nouveaux Compléments

  • Le nouvel outil "Compléments" vous permet de télécharger et gérer des compléments de recettes et ingrédients téléchargés depuis le site de BeerSmith.


Note des Traducteurs

  • BeerSmith évolue régulièrement, (comme quoi son auteur ne chôme pas), n'hésitez pas à utiliser la fonction
    "Vérifier les mises à jour" pour tenir votre logiciel au summum de ses possibilités.
  • Pensez à consulter régulièrement les sujets dédiés à la traduction de BeerSmith sur le forum BrassageAmateur.com, pour suivre les évolutions des traductions, notamment du fichier Lang.xml qui vous permet de passer le logiciel en français.