Beersmith3-Aide/Importer depuis une Sauvegarde

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Révision datée du 2 juin 2018 à 17:05 par Jean-luc (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="BeerSmith" data-wsc-lang="fr_FR">BeerSmith</span> 3 <span class="scayt-misspell-word" data-scayt-word="adds" data-wsc-la... »)
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BeerSmith 3 adds a new dialog to recover recipes and other data from backups made automatically in the past. By default BeerSmith keeps 5 backup files going back several weeks in the event of accidental data loss or file damage.

When you recover any data it will entirely replace your existing recipes (or hops, etc..) and will make a backup copy by saving existing data off to the listed recipe name. This is intended only to be used for large (bulk data recovery).

NOTE: If you want to restore just a few recipes, you are better off using the Recipe Archive View which has the ability to view and restore individual recipes without affecting your other data.

Recovering from a Backup

  • Close any open recipes or other data first, as this data may be replaced when you activate this command
  • Select the type of data you want to recover (Recipes, Ingredients, Profiles, etc...) from the file type drop down
  • Select the file you want to recover from based on the date shown
  • Select a file name to save your existing data off to. A complete backup of the current data will be stored to this file.
  • Click on the Recover from Backup Selected to recover the file.
  • Close the dialog when finished restoring files